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यदि आप देर तक एक ही कुर्सी पर बैठकर ऑफिस या डेस्क जॉब करते हैं तो एक जैसी पॉजिशन में घंटों बैठने के चलते गर्दन और कंधे में अजीब सी जकड़न जैसी स्थिति पैदा हो जाती है। जो शरीर के मध्य पीठ, कूल्हों और जांघो पर खिंचाव जैसी स्थिति बना देते हैं। आराम पाने के लिए इस आसान
विजुअल गाइड की मदद से स्ट्रेच करे
Pendulum stretch: First, perform this exercise. Let the shoulders relax, stand and lean slightly forward, allowing the hanging of the affected arm. Swing the arm in a small circle around the diameter of the foot. Perform 10 revolutions, once a day, in each direction. Once symptoms start to get better, raise the swing diameter but never push it. By carrying a lightweight (One – Two Kgs) in the swinging arm. Increase the stretch when ready for more.
Towel stretch
Hold one end of a three-foot-long towel behind the back and grab the opposite end with the other hand. Hold the towel in a horizontal position. Use the good arm to pull the affected arm upward to stretch it. Also, if possible perform an advanced version of this exercise with the towel draped over good shoulder. Hold the bottom of the towel with the affected arm and pull it toward the lower back with the unaffected arm. Perform this 10 to 20 times a day.
Finger walk
Face a wall three-quarters of an arm's length away. Reach out and touch the wall at waist level with the fingertips of the affected arm. With the elbow slightly bent, slowly walk the fingers up the wall, spider-like, until the arm is raised to the point of comfort. The fingers should be doing the work and not the shoulder muscles. Slowly lower the arm (with the help of the good arm, if necessary) and repeat. Perform this exercise 10 to 20 times a day.
Cross-body reach
Stand or sit. Using the good arm to raise the injured arm to the elbow, and move it up and over the neck, exerting gentle pressure to stretch the shoulder. Keep for 15 to 20 seconds on the stretch. Perform this 10-20 times a day
Armpit stretch
Lift the affected arm onto a shelf about breast-high by using the good arm. Bend the knees softly, opening the armpit. Slightly bend the leg, softly stretch the armpit and then straighten. Stretch a little more with each knee bend but don’t push it. Perform this every day, from 10 to 20 times.
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